Internet of Things

The internet of things has in recent times become a growing topic of conversation in the workplace and our homes. It refers to the network of physical objects which have been embedded with electronics, sensors and network connectivity that makes it possible for these objects to collect and exchange data.

Internet of things

Notably, it has three main parts which include the objects embedded with sensors, the networks that connect them and the systems that process data to and from the objects. This has made it possible for the everyday objects and industrial assets that have sensors to communicate with each other using this infrastructure.  The internet of things refers to a building that uses sensors to make adjustment on the heating and lighting automatically.

IOT is important for manufacturers who use it to deliver system upgrades, boost sales, to understand the products better, to monitor the performance of a certain product and to gain insights into new opportunities. The IoT promotes a heightened level of awareness about the world we live in. It also gives us a platform from which we can monitor the reactions to the changing conditions that the awareness exposes us to.

In addition to this, the internet of things provides for better natural disaster management. This is because in the event of a forest fire outbreak, it allows for the ability to predict accurately on the onset of conditions that will lead to it before they get out of control or start. Therefore, the containment teams will be able to respond more quickly and manage targeted evacuations. The same concept also applies to smarter detection of and reaction to mudslides, earthquake and other natural disasters.

In the urban setting, it leads to better management. The automatic traffic management in cities and counties effectively notices and governs the flow of traffic in line with the ever changing conditions. Moreover, the parking applications intelligently guide cars to the open spot which eliminates wastage of time and energy and cuts back on emissions.

IoT also leads to smarter healthcare as the wearable devices are able to detect a host of health problems before they occur and administer the necessary life savings drugs or timely deployment of emergency responders with information on the exact place and alert the family members if need be.

In conclusion, these are some of the possibilities that are afforded by the IoT age due to easy accessibility of information. This will make our lives better and improve our chances of a more sustainable legacy for future generations.
