Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

The world today has become a platform where technology wishes to rule us all; a place in which living seemingly has become a lot easier and comfortable, due to the usage of gadgets. Today, there are tools and machines which when used make work faster, efficient and effective as well. These developments in modern times has evolved into the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence simply refers to the theories in computer science, which is geared toward the development of machines to behave as humans.

The global notion that machines can do what humans can do, and sometimes even better clearly shows that one day, there could be a future of non-humans, an era of machines with artificial intelligence which can think, or perhaps be allowed to have emotions and sentiments as   well as the control of people’s activities. Machines are getting developed to undertake human perceptions such as vision, speech and translation of languages.

With that in mind, many inventions have spawned numerous benefits regarding artificial intelligence, which cannot be overemphasized. Lots of companies, organizations, institutions, firms and individuals who are into manufacturing goods are employing artificial intelligence, precisely robots, to increase productivity and services.

Robots unlike humans, can perform laborious and daunting tasks. For this reason, companies and factories who are into the manufacturing of products employ robots to perform specialized tasks, otherwise difficult for humans to perform.

Accuracy and precision are key features which cannot be skipped in the manufacturing industry. Because products have to be replicated in large quantities and in bulk orders, the idea of human errors needs to be considered. When mistakes are reduced to the barest minimum and almost zeroed, production will always be cost-effective. All these developments could be left on the shoulders of robots. These machines when employed are likely to be accurate and almost impossible in making the chances of mistakes. This accuracy brings them on a higher pedestal for invention, thus making companies go for them.


The ability to work in a painstaking and hostile condition makes robots the best things to work with. Regardless of the condition or environment, robots, once programmed or instructed to perform a particular task will deliver, just as instructed. Isn’t this a thing worth acquiring?

The feelings, emotions and sentiments which are associated with humans sometimes get in their way as an added feature, thus making them inefficient. On the contrary, robots lacking these attributes deliver or perform their tasks assigned them very efficiently.

Artificial intelligence with its numerous and essential merits also come with other disadvantages. Once these machines are acquired, an extra cost is incurred to have them serviced, maintained regularly and repaired whenever the need arises.

Again, because they programmed, the issue of memory is absent, thus, unlike humans, they do not get experienced even after a repetitive task.

Unemployment is another huge demerit of artificial intelligence. Most companies after acquiring robots in shape lay-off most of their workers. Since robots are able to do what people do better and faster, especially for no wages nor salaries, humans are eventually put aside. As a result, it makes AI a huge plague and doom to human employees working in the industries.

Robots again can cause enormous destruction if handled by the wrong person. If the right person and the right command isn’t given to the robot, it can cause a big havoc to goods and products which could cost a company huge loses, thus leading to bankruptcy.

Artificial Intelligence has come to stay and to help lessen the activities of the human race. It is therefore a duty for us all and not only to the manufacturing industry, to make this enterprise something manageable for a safe and a balanced system of producing goods and services.